Vanessa has served in local church ministry in a variety of capacities for 15+ years. Some of her roles have included: Worship Pastor, Spiritual Formation Director, Church Planter and Co-Pastor. She is an Ordained Minister and Certified Spiritual Director through Sustainable Faith. Vanessa is also apart of a monastic order through 24/7 Prayer, “The Order of the Mustard Seed”. Currently she is expanding her education through a degree program at Renovare Institute for Spiritual Formation.

During an exhausting and painful season of ministry she was introduced to a Spiritual Director. She began meeting with her monthly and began to see the effects personally in her life and leadership. The calm, slow-paced, listening space of Spiritual Direction provided the perspective, care and noticing she was lacking. It was in that space that she sensed God inviting her to pursue Spiritual Direction as something to offer to others.

She is passionate about creating a compassionate, contemplative, Spirit-directed space for those at all points of their faith journey. Whether you have been walking with Jesus for a long time, you are in a leadership role within ministry, new to faith, or wrestling with doubt; all experiences are sacred and hold value. Her commitment to those she sits with is to actively listen, pose helpful questions, and help to discern the voice of God in their lives through various practices of contemplative Christian spirituality.

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    Are you interested but need to ask some questions or want more information. I’d love to hear from you and help you navigate your best next steps.

Walking with you as you walk with God.

Creating spaces to notice the movement of God at work in your life, your desire to grow in your faith and become more aware of His deep love for you.

What is Spiritual Direction?

The purpose of spiritual direction is to invite the person being directed into a greater awareness of the movement of God in their own life and can be described as a conversation of three. The director, the directee, and the Holy Spirit who is the true guide, enter into a conversation together with a desire for deeper intimacy between the directee and the Lord. I believe that God is always pursuing us, always wanting to connect with us, and as we give Him space, He speaks and invites us to draw closer.

Spiritual direction focuses on your personal journey with God and what is happening in the current season of your life with Him.

What does a session look like?

As the Director I create and hold a 60 minute space for the Directee. We will begin our time together with brief few minutes of silence, prayer and scripture reading to bring our attention to the present moment.

As we talk together, we are listening for the Holy Spirit to lead the conversation, and speak to your heart, mind and soul. I am the companion who gets to notice and name the traces of the Divine from what is being said. I do this by asking questions as I am prompted by the Lord, and following where He takes you. Sometimes I will bring into our session a spiritual practice to engage with (i.e. invisio, imaginative prayer, lectio divina, or prayer of examen). We will close out our time with a prayer as you go on your way.

Who is Spiritual Direction for?

This beautiful space of sacred companionship is for those who are following Jesus and in pursuit of Him in their life. No matter where you are along the journey of faith!

Are you struggling with doubt?

Longing to grow deeper in your intimacy with God?

Going through a transition in life?

Wanting to become more self aware in your faith journey?

Or maybe you need a safe space to share freely, to unload the worries and burdens of life.

These are all very typical reasons why people pursue Spiritual Direction.

How often do I meet with you and where?

Once a month is typical. However, in times of crisis or seasons of transition, some will want to meet twice a month.

Currently I am only meeting with Directee’s online via zoom. Trust me, zoom can be just as effective.

How much does it cost?

$70 an hour

“May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us”

St Teresa of Avila